SimplytheBest JQuery plugins

The simply the best collection of jQuery plugins

Hammer By: Jorik Tangelder
Free MIT

Hammer supports tap, doubletap, swipe, drag, pinch, and rotate gestures. Each gesture triggers useful events and eventData. jQuery plugin optional.

Spectagram By: Adrian Quevedo
Free MIT

An easy jQuery plugin for Instagram API to fetch and display user photo feed inside your web application or site.

A jQuery plugin that shows an animated responsive dialog modal window.

jPaginator By: Rémy Elazare
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin for pagination with a slider and unlimited number of pages.

A jQuery plugin to dynamically generate an outline and setup Bootstrap scrollspy.

Bootstrap Tour By: Ulrich Sossou
Free Apache v2

Quick and easy way to build product tours with Bootstrap popovers.

Spectrum By: Brian Grinstead
Free Open Source

A no-hassle skinnable jQuery colorpicker using CSS gradients.

A stupidly simple, absurdly lightweight jQuery table sorting plugin. Define your own ways of sorting table columns.

Clingify By: Andrew Theroux
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin that allows you to easily create sticky headers and navigation elements. Once you scroll past the targeted element, the plugin will toggle a CSS class that gives the element a fixed position, pinning it to the top of the page.

Provides an easy way to vertically center an element in its parent. Even if the parents height changes after resizing.