SimplytheBest Bootstrap Scripts

The simply the best collection of Bootstrap scripts

The documentation of a powerful mobile-first Flexbox grid to build layouts of all shapes and sizes thanks to a twelve column system, six default responsive tiers, Sass variables and mixins, and dozens of predefined classes.

A Bootstrap styled datepicker with simple options. It plays nice on most desktop and mobile browsers. The selected date is shown with a primary background color and today's date is shown with a warning background color.

A jQuery plugin to dynamically generate an outline and setup Bootstrap scrollspy.

Bootstrap Tour By: Ulrich Sossou
Free Apache v2

Quick and easy way to build product tours with Bootstrap popovers.

eModal is an easy way to manage modal dialogs using Bootstrap. Display a modal for alert, ajax, prompt, confirm or iframe.

List groups are a component to display a series of content. Several different ways are possible.